Enhance your sales
revenue and capabilities

Ease of use & Best Management.

Manage Entry

Order Entry system manages the entire sales process from the first call to the invoice

Standard Process

The standard quoting process will check the customer's credit status even before he asks for the first price.

Cross referenced

You can look up quotes by customer or product. You can quote based on his part numbers, or your own-the system can keep them cross referenced

Shipping Method

In a multi-branch environment, the quote can be split to create shipping orders for any number of branches.

Best in Industry

MetalTrack is renowned for keeping secrets confidential across the metal distribution businesses. This software and its uses were confined to a few of the largest master steel distributors in the United States. MetalTrack has moved millions of tons of steel around the world since 1983.

From Carbon and Stainless Steel to Aluminium and Copper, MetalTrack is efficient in any size distribution of metal products, from a single location facility to a group of companies with multiple branches.

The ease of use and cost-efficient solutions sets MetalTrack to stand out from the rest of the competitors. It can use both PCs and standard low-cost terminals. It provides an engaging 24- hour Internet sales and quoting system. It can scan and retrieve MTRs and directly email quotes and sales confirmations from any desk. It allows you to manage your company more effectively and efficiently.

Some of the features

Optimize your efforts

Spend less time, maximize the profits and earn more revenues with our tool. We can help you optimize your efforts with the maximum returns – Guaranteed!!

Quoting Process that suits YOU!!

We offer two types of Quoting processes, as per the diverse populace. We offer Standard Quote and Quick Quote to cater to the needs of everyone.

Manage Sales Process with Ease

MetalTrack Quote and Order Entry System can help you manage the sales process more efficiently. We help you generate more sales and earn more profits.

Manage your Sales, Profit, and Margin

This tool helps you generate more sales, earn more profits and get better margins of profits.

Track every Order

Keeping an eye on the timely delivery and streamlining the process for better sales results is vital. We help you track the movement of every sale.

Get specific customer details.

We help you understand why a customer buys a specific product and how it can help you generate more sales. More information about the customer can help you earn more revenues.

Frequently Asked Questions

The MetalTrack Quote and Order Entry system manages the entire sales process from the first call to the invoice, so the selling process takes less time and makes more money.

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Make your Process future-proof with MetalTrack Sales and Quotation System!!