Automate, Innovate and Reciprocate
with Metal Track

Integrate the processes of MTR, EDI, Direct Emailing and
Warehouse Automation

Automate Process

Automate the entire process of filing, finding, copying and re-filing the papers.

Productive Outcomes

The automated process ensures that the sales and clerical staff can focus on the vital things to improve the outcomes.

Save Time

Automation helps the staff invest no time on the non-productive yet important things. This can help save much time.

Email Directly

With the MetalTrack Email Module, you can Email documents directly from any desk.

Best in Industry

MetalTrack is renowned for keeping secrets confidential across the metal distribution businesses. This software and its uses were confined to a few of the largest master steel distributors in the United States. MetalTrack has moved millions of tons of steel around the world since 1983.

From Carbon and Stainless Steel to Aluminium and Copper, MetalTrack is efficient in any size distribution of metal products, from a single location facility to a group of companies with multiple branches.

The ease of use and cost-efficient solutions sets MetalTrack to stand out from the rest of the competitors. It can use both PCs and standard low-cost terminals. It provides an engaging 24- hour Internet sales and quoting system. It can scan and retrieve MTRs and directly email quotes and sales confirmations from any desk. It allows you to manage your company more effectively and efficiently.

Some of the features

Fast Payments

The electronic purchase orders can ensure early payment with the invoice sent earlier to the clients. This way, you can confirm a streamlined purchase and payment process.

Minimal data entry

The electronically transmitted documents between the stakeholders can cut down the time and increase the transactions.

Eliminate errors

With the help of at MetalTrack, the Automation can ensure that you can get the codes scanned automatically and verify the tickets.

Increase efficiency

The least errors increase the efficiency and outcomes. You can save more time by using MetalTrack’s modules.

Frequently Asked Questions

The MetalTrack system can help make those decisions in a number of ways. You can specify minimum and maximum stock levels, on a branch by branch basic; when levels approach the minimum, it will suggest purchases to bring inventory levels up to the max.

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Attain business goals faster with MetalTrack’s Optional Modules